Confidential Safety Reporting System-Portal

Ava Airlines Safety & compliance Monitoring Department has a Confidential Safety Reporting system in place to enable individuals to voluntarily report to the safety department alleged malpractices and irregularities, safety concerns, hazards and risks in the field of aviation safety, without having to fear that their action may have adverse consequences for their person.

Confidential Safety Reporting Form

submit voluntary report

فیلد های "*" اجباری هستند

Did you already contact the related responsible person?*
حداکثر اندازه فایل: ۱۰ MB.
?What can be reported
  • Confidential Safety Reporting system allows to report any suspected, presumed or alleged violations of the legal framework.
  • Before submitting your report, please ensure that your information is:
    • Relevant and related to aviation safety;
    • Sufficiently specific, substantiated and complete, and ideally supported by documentary evidence; unspecified allegations cannot be followed up by Safety Department.
How to report and what happens after
  • Reports on suspected malpractices and irregularities should be submitted by filling in the online Confidential Safety Reporting form. Please do not send the same or similar correspondence to any other Safety email addresses and please note that the size of the documents attached should not exceed 10 MB.
  • After registration of an incoming report, you could be asked for additional information or clarification, which is why including your e-mail address in the Confidential Safety Report form is highly appreciated.
  •  Information that falls within the Ava Airlines Safety Department’s remit, is registered and de-identified (so that you remain anonymous). Your e-mail address and personal details will not be disclosed to anyone outside the Ava Airlines Confidential Safety Reporting team.  After de-identification, the information is forwarded to the relevant technical unit which investigates the case.
How Ava Airlines Safety Department informs you about the outcome of the investigation
  • If your reported matter falls within the Ava Airlines Safety Department’s tasks and responsibilities, Safety Department will conduct the necessary investigation and you can be informed about the outcome through tracking code received. Duration of the investigation depends on the complexity of the case. Pending Ava Airlines Safety Department’s investigation you will only be contacted in case that additional information is required.
  • Ava Airlines Safety Department is not in a position to provide you with a follow-up on reported matters that fall outside Ava Airlines Safety Department’s tasks and responsibilities.
Data protection
  • Reporter’s personal data will be protected within the Confidential Safety Reporting system.
  • Reports which could lead to essential changes in order to promote safety level of the company and to be considered to prevent a high-risk situation, would be encouraged.
  • We thank you for your support and active interest in aviation safety!